Mitsubishi UFJ Kokusai Asset Management Co., Ltd. is the core asset management firm within the Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group. Looking back at our history, we have roots that go back about 60 years to Japan’s oldest investment company. During this time, the number of products for investment trusts has been increasing year-by-year, and the variety of product features has become greater and greater, but nonetheless, I am afraid that the image most people in society have of investment has not changed in actuality. In order to change that image, I think the important thing is to increase the number of people who think “it was good” to make an investment. If the number of people who think “it was good” increases, the notions about investment held by people who have never tried investment may change.
In our corporate vision, we state “To fulfill our fiduciary responsibilities as an investment trust company, we will always respect the trust our clients have placed in us and act on their behalf” and “As an organization of true professionals, we will continue to provide our clients with added value that exceeds their expectations.” To achieve this vision, it is my hope that all our employees will individually make efforts day by day, and that, as a concerted effort, we will be able to increase the number of people who think “it was good” to make an investment, or who will try to make an investment in the future, through our investment trusts.
Thanks in part to regulatory reforms involving the Nippon Individual Savings Account (NISA), Junior NISA systems, new savings-type NISA and defined contribution (DC) pensions, Japan has a well-developed foundation to accelerate the shift from savings to asset building. Given this trend, all of our employees are working hard to improve as asset management professionals, observing the market from a global perspective in order to provide high-quality products and continually contribute to building our customers’ assets in the medium- to long-term.
Address: 1-12-1 Yurakucho Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-0006, Japan
Tel: 81-3-5221-6200